Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Am Poem

I am moderate and optimistic

I wonder what I can do in my future

I hear the murmuring of running water

I see the maple leaves turn red

I want happiness and a warm heart

I am moderate and optimistic

I pretend to be as strong as a tiger

I feel simple and elegant

I touch easily when you want to know me

I worry about my future life

I cry that I am always like a child

I am moderate and optimistic

I understand I should grow up

I say that dreams will come true

I dream to have a simple life

I try to be a man

I hope that God will bless my family

I am moderate and optimistic


  1. nice poem bro. u made my day :).Anyways, i really liked the way that you have been so honest towards yourself and telling us how you really are from inside. By the way what does optimistic mean?, i hope that u will answer my question. Please check your word choice here "I see the maple leaves turn red" because i think that you could change "turn" and choose like another word that suit this sentence.

    keep it up :).


  2. Hi Ismaeel,

    Thanks for your suggest and the optimistic means not pressimistic. I also search Google. The optimistic means expecting good things to happen or something to be successful.

    The Google also has a example sentence. Someone who is optimistic is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.

    I hope the explain can help you understand the means^^
